Victor’s Shout Collection

We have some wonderful support in the community, that act as Collection Points for the Victor’s Shout Programme.
They are either a point for collecting specific products, like tinned beans or tomatoes, or any tinned produce ( tomatoes, beans, fruits, vegetables or fish).
This all goes to our central point for checking and sorting by our team, and then is redistributed across the County in the various programmes.
We have a wonderful relationship with St George Primary School in Abergele, who organises a “Bring Tin” day once a month, and help Les, our driver, to get the tins on the van. We also have support from the Rugby Team based in Eirias Park, who do collections at various games during the year.

And then there are the annual collections, for example, with local businesses, who donate towards the Christmas deliveries. Every bit helps and we are grateful to the goodwill of the community in all ways.

Please contact if you want to know more, or if you think you can help us collect some food.